It's a Trip

 Hey, new Blog.  I've been a believer in God, Jesus, the Bible, the Word, Heaven, all of it since 1990.  I was raised as a Catholic, then we became Methodists. I say 'we' because my dad was a Catholic, so we were Catholic until I was 12.  After that my mom had her turn and we became Methodists.  Weird, I know. 

I've grown since 1990, but I don't think I'll ever know everything, which is really annoying but I'll just have to take what I don't know, by faith.  It's a hard thing ... I won't lie.  And I often have a hard time with what I see.  I see God work in my life and have been awed into silence, and then I see things that happen that make me ask, why Lord?

This is a place where I'll share my struggles, my God questions, our conversations, my faith and my lack of faith.  Pull up a chair, it's a trip.


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